The Lake County Commissions and Boards work to represent county concerns, implement an emergency contact system, regulate land use, provide recreational opportunities, encourage business growth, oversee our county infrastructure, and serve as an advocate for our county schools.
County Commission
County Commissioners are elected by the people and represent county concerns on a local, state, and national level. They also set county policy and maintain communication with constituents by conducting meetings and holding votes.
Emergency Communications
An Emergency Communications Board is also called a 911 Board. Tennessee state law mandates that each district board must be represented by nine members who aid in the development and maintenance of an E-911 System specific to their area.
Planning and Zoning
The Planning and Zoning Commission regulates the use of land and buildings by advising the City Council on all plans, boundaries for district zoning, improvements, and regulations to enforce. They may also issue permits.
Northwest TN Port Authority
The Northwest Tennessee Regional Port Authority, the official site of the Port of Cates Landing, is an independent government agency established by communities in Dyer, Lake, and Obion Counties to oversee safe and effective shipping operations throughout the inland waterway and serve as a development location for river cargoes.
Parks and Recreation
Parks and Recreation is a department that oversees public parks and enhances the quality of life and well-being of the public by making recreational opportunities available to all, including those with disabilities. Lake County is home to two city parks.
Industrial Development Board
The purpose of the Lake County Industrial Development Board is to purchase, sell, lease, finance, and dispose of properties in an effort to encourage new businesses to relocate to the area and help existing businesses expand, in accordance with the Tennessee Industrial Development Corporation Act.
Road Commission
The Board of Road Commissioners are responsible for overseeing the planning, construction, and maintenance of the road and bridge system in Lake County while ensuring the public's safety. Other duties include approving an annual budget and providing top-notch road services.
School Board
Below is the list of the Lake County School Board members.
To visit the Lake County School System's website, click here.